Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 25=I'm SO tired!

I seriously sat around for a half hour deciding what I should do. I have done a few new-ish things today, but most of them are things I was required to do based on my job, so I try not to count that stuff to much. There was a lot I came up with but I was either to tired, or not given enough time to do it.

Wow this could be my new thing. Making up excuses for why I haven't done a new thing. Yes? No, I'm kidding.

After the half hour was up, I decided I wanted to go to bed, so I just laid upside down and played a tune on the old piano. Never done it before, and I won't tell you which tune because it's a really easy one.

You like my oomph for today's fun adventure?

It's new though, and tomorrow should be better. Sorry guys!