Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 24=I Feel Like I'm at Girl's Camp

So it rolls around to 6 last night and I realize I hadn't done anything for my "Do Something" goal. So frantically I was thinking about what I could do.

My mom had to go to the library to drop a book off so I asked her if she could get a craft book while she was there. When I was flipping through the book I saw a section about making bracelet's so I figured I'd give it a shot. I mean I've made bracelets before but they were usually just a piece of string with mismatching beads on it.

This one called for elastic, ribbon, and buttons, and this is how cool my family is.

While I was making it I go to show my dad and the first thing he asks is "So wait, are you making a garter?" Two things went through my head. What kind of person does my dad think I am to make a garter, and why would I need a garter?

Oh I love my family.