Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Have you ever felt like you just needed to get away? I do ALL the time. So last week that's just what I did. As I returned home I had a couple things to think over, and it came to a head today. It really was a day of tears.

As I hung out with a couple of friends some things unfolded and I had that overwhelming urge to think over my life. And another overwhelming urge to get away again.

So I did. It was probably the stupidest thing that I've done in my life. I was at a friends which was a couple miles away from my house. Usually that wouldn't be a problem, but I didn't take into account that it was snowing, I didn't have running shoes on, it was 3 in the morning, and that I had short sleeves on.

About half way home I tried to clench my fingers together. I'd heard if you can't touch them you have frostbite. So every couple minutes I clenched my fingers together. Every time I felt my fingertips touch I thanked God. I could no longer see out of my glasses due to the snow that was falling. With each step I prayed that I wasn't going to fall off the curb. At one point I felt my feet plunge into puddles of ice cold water, and I heard them squeak over the eerie silence. My socks were soaked by this point, and although I could still touch my fingertips together it was getting harder to do so.

Some may call me crazy, and let's face it, I call myself crazy everyday for the stupid things I do. I test death, that's for sure. But if I hadn't done what I did, I don't think I would have learned what I did in my last post.

It was this simple act of touching my fingertips together that kept me going. At times life may seem like it's this giant undertaking that we can't endure. We know the ending, and we may even know how to get there, but we don't realize the difficulties it takes to get to the end we want.

As I ran I felt like I just needed to push forward. I resorted to aiming for a stoplight that lay ahead as long as it meant I was closer to home.

Some may classify home as the building you live in. Some may classify home as their loved ones. For me, I classify it as returning to our eternal happiness with all of our loved ones that have lived before us, and those that live after us. I returned home and felt the cold, soggy feeling slip away, and it was replaced with a sense of security, and the warmth flooded my limbs.

It was the small feet of touching my fingertips and trying to reach the next stoplight that kept me pushing forward.

Life is that way. It's the little things we do, and the little goals we reach that catapult us to our final destination, and to our nice warm, secure home.

It's true my actions were stupid, and I will probably never run under those conditions again, but it was my stupidity and some amazing friends that got me to learn a valuable lesson.

Don't follow in my footsteps literally...and by that I mean, don't go running at 3 in the morning because cops do pull up beside you and ask for your name and address in order to find out if you're running away from someone or just stupid. No joke. The cop kept a very watchful eye on me as I ran. Bless his soul.

But feel free to take what I've written and run with it. Takes on a whole new meaning huh?


Janette Rallison said...

Sorry to hear that you've been having a rollercoaster of emotions, but glad to hear that learning has come from it. I've lived long enough to realize that not only are people flawed, but we all have empty spaces inside of us. We've been told by the world that we're not enough. We have disappointments, tragedies, pain. We look for ways to fill those holes. We can do it with eating, shopping, drugs, partying, work, the list is endless. But none of those things fix the holes long term. God can fill those holes though. He can make us cmplete. It's the only way. Just like our bodies need nurishment, our souls do to. I try to listen to a conference talks on my ipod each day. It makes all the difference.

Ginger said...

Ginny, I agree with everything Janette said. Life is filled with disappointments and pain. I try not to get my hopes up about things and try to find happiness with what does come my way.

Please be careful and don't do such risky things, especially when you are in Europe!! Bad things happen everyday to ordinary people and you have to always be careful and don't take chances.

Love you, Aunt Ginger

Ginger said...
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Giovanna said...

Thank you. I love to hear from you. Thanks for the kind words. I am taking it all in strides.