Saturday, April 2, 2011

Customers. Retail. Enough said.

Read my title on this post. That's pretty much all that comes to mind at the moment.

Just a heads up to those that ever feel like you have the right to yell at those that are helping you.

1. Don't yell at someone who isn't to blame. You may think you're making a point but all you're doing is making me giggle inside because I can only see one thing when you do it.

2. Karma sucks. Piss off the wrong people and you anger the karma Gods and then woopsie! You end up getting it worse. For example. A lady at Ross started to yell at me about how I was a terrible employee because I didn't help her fast enough. Guess who had the security sensors go off on them in front of the couple dozen people standing around. The annoying lady, and I didn't mean for it to happen either.

3. Each person is a human being, and as human beings we make mistakes. I mean imagine being this guy and having to go to the office the next day!

4. When you yell at the workers somewhere it isn't just the worker who thinks you're an idiot. The customers around you can't stand a yeller. They feel sorry for you. They pity you. You're like Pumba after eating a meal. No one wants to be around you because you're a big, nasty, smelly-
