Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 51 = Apparently I'm not woman enough...

You know the whole belief that women have the ability to multi task? I think I prove that theory wrong. I got off work today and had to make bread pudding for a coworker. After shopping for supplies and rushing home I decided I'd take on the task of baking, writing a paper, watching tv, talking to my mom, and texting a friend.

One problem. Apparently my ability with multi tasking only goes so far. Sure I've watched tv and done homework, or listened to music, cleaned my room, and talked to my mom, but doing more than three things at a time makes a crappy end product.

The bread pudding had to much liquid and ended up not baking properly, the paper document was opened but not touched, the movie passed before I even knew it was on, my mom went to bed without me noticing, and my texting conversation went well...shows where my priorities lie.

Practice makes perfect though, so I may try it again tomorrow. Just kidding...alright I'm slightly telling the truth. Maybe I'll take out writing a paper. That's a joke. I need to crack down on that before Thursday comes and I have NOTHING.