Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Something I've noticed

Labels are sometimes extremely bad.  I think a lot of times they are not necessary.  I had the opportunity the other day to attend a school that I hope to get hired at, and I was sitting in the class listening to the teacher as he asked the students what they saw in the picture. 

Now I'm not one to be politically correct, but at one point the kids said that there was a fat man and a skinny man in the book.  I looked over the shoulder of one of the books, and I didn't see a fat man.  I saw one that was taller and a smaller stick type man.  It was interesting that they chose those words to describe the drawing when those are such negative words in this day and age.

I chose not to be offended but today something else happened. 

It was slow at work as usual and I was perusing the Yahoo news articles when I ran across one that talked about how a President of a fast food chain has on multiple occasions shared his opinion (Some may say, myself included that it was bashing) about his disapproval of same sex marraige, and homosexuality in general.  Among this he is also known for donating large amounts of his money to anti-LGBT clubs, and when I posted on facebook that I didn't know if I should go to that said fast food restaurant anymore I was shocked at the slight argument that started.

I just don't understand the hate the goes on, and the fact that some say that it's just stating your opinion and that we shouldn't take it personally.

I choose to take it personally for one reason. 

I am a human being.  I was born a human being, I go through trials as a human being, I've grown up a human being, and will most likely die a human being. (Go figure!)

That is the same case for EVERYone in the world.  The journey of life of each human may modify based on certain factors, but the truth of the matter is that we're still human beings regardless.

This is a short life, and we need to stop worrying about what groups we need to classify people in.  I figure unless they hurt others through their actions or take away others rights then why worry what they're doing? 

Who cares what our choices in life are?  I know I just want to love everyone and accept everyone, so I try to leave the judgements to whoever created us. 

As I was thinking over this I pondered back on the kids in that room and I came to the realization that labels will never end.  They are how people describe one another, but I wonder if we'll ever be able to change the negativity with a label into a positive.

I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime, but I hope that one day those bad labels will no longer exist, or at least not be so negative.  I hope that people will not look down on others based on their life choices, or color of skin, or weight, or hair color. 

Within my own life I hope I haven't made anyone feel as if I judge them in my interactions with them.  If I have, I apologize.  It's never been my intention and I want you to know that I believe you are worth something.  Whatever I may have done to make you feel that I look down on you, just know that I think you're worth something. 

I wish that I could have always felt worth something.  I fear that I lashed out at others due to my own insecurities, and my feelings of being judged by others.

Even now I notice the labels I give others when they annoy me.  I realize I need to stop.  I also know that not all labels are bad.  There are those that are good.  Kind, Generous, Beautiful, Caring, Strong. 

My goal for this week is to replace negative labels with good ones.  I feel that I sometimes look on things in a negative light, and if I choose to focus on the positive with people it will provide a happier outlook on life, and the people in it.
If you're having a hard time take comfort in knowing that I love you and accept you for who you are. 


Sunday, July 8, 2012


I managed to get out and go for a 3 mile jog a few days ago, like my challenge intended, but stuff happens!

At this point I feel like I'm just making excuses.

I feel like I need to start off smaller because I seem to be having issues working out if I don't do it in the morning, and this week stuff kept happening.  I've decided it's been for good reasons.

I hit my one year anniversary with Jareth. We also had a baby shower that we attended that I made the cake for, and a friend got married on Friday.  

Like I said, busy week.

I may try the same challenge though.  I want to get back into running and I need to have something having to do with running set as the challenge.

So this week my challenge is going to be to run everyday.  I'm not putting an amount on how much I run as I just want to get myself out there.

And if any of you would like to join in it might help encourage me to work harder at this goal.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I have this awesome story!

So it's a few days after Saturday, and part of me felt bad for not posting, but another part of me doesn't really care seeing as I have a pretty good reason why I didn't update the blog.

First thing first: The goal for last week was to follow a healthy meal plan that I created each day.  This was actually difficult.  Some days I wasn't in the mood for the things I preplanned from the day before...It wasn't the best that I probably couldn't have done, so I decided to change it a little bit.  I came up with a few choices for each meal that I could have and then would pick what I'd like to have as I went along the day.  I found that this was a whole lot easier for me. 

That is until this past Thursday when I went on vacation (although I tried very hard to get healthy food when we went out to eat), but before I continue on with my story I need to make a goal for next week.

Jareth brought me a flyer for a 5k and half marathon coming up, and I may not do it as it costs to much money for me, but if I do it I want to prep for it.  So this week I will try to run atleast 3-4 miles every day. 

Continuing on with the story!

So it's my birthday on June 29th and Jareth and I will be together for a year on July 7th.  So we decided we would take a weekend trip down to St George to celebrate.

Little did I know that Jareth was secretly planning a different trip.

We set off Wednesday night around 10 and started driving to St. George.  I realized something was up when we entered Arizona.  When I grabbed the directions from Jareth I noticed that our ending location was Anaheim, California.  It was then that Jareth told me that he was taking me to Disneyland. 

He had surprised me with a 3 day park hopper pass, which by the way, we took full advantage of and completed most of the rides in both parks. 

The first day in Disneyland was my birthday and as we were waiting in the Indiana Jones ride I got a text from my sister Anji.  She wished me a happy birthday and asked if I was engaged yet.   I laughed and showed the text to Jareth who got a kick out of it, and replyed with "Why would anyone want to propose in Disneyland?  Let me text her back." So he sent a text back saying that that must have been what he was doing when he kept saying "I lost it." (Then he sent a text to Anji telling her that she would ruin it.)

Let me preface this with the fact that Jareth said multiple times over the past couple weeks that he would propose but that it wasn't going to be for a couple months. 

We ended up in Fantasyland and stopped at the Sleeping Beauty castle.  If you haven't been, there are books positioned throughout the castle that have the story on it.  At the end we reached the final book, and Jareth said that he wanted to take a picture.  He ventured back upstairs to find someone to take the picture for us, and found 2 little kids that followed him timidly.  He told them to just push the button and I prepped to take a picture only to find that Jareth was on one knee.  He took my hand and pulled out a ring. 

He started to ask me if I would be his princess forever, which only made me think more so that he was being cute and asking me to be his pretend princess for the night. 

I ruined it, of course, and told him that he was holding the wrong hand.

He replyed that I was ruining the moment, and asked me again if I'd like to be his princess, and this time I said yes, and he put the ring on my finger.

It was only afterwards when I asked if we were really engaged and he said yes that I realized he had really just proposed to me.

I am very skeptical over things if you couldn't tell. 

SO it's official that I'm engaged!

I knew I picked a good one! :)

I love you Jareth, and can't wait to spend my life with you!